
August 28, 2014

Things are moving right along this week...there is no arguing over a 9 pm bed time...they are pretty worn out and fall asleep fairly quickly!

Neither of the girls have complained school is going good!

Danny finished up our porch and he did a fantastic job!!  I am so proud of him and grateful for him!!!

I even started working on some of the 15 decorations..I painted some of the candle sticks and then made my own Eiffel towers...since everything I can buy is outrageously over priced...

Also this week while we waited for Makaila to get out of Youth Group at Church we saw the most beautiful view of the sky!   Makes me smile knowing that God creates such beauty for us to enjoy.  I love pretty skies!! So does Issy....we tell her it is Jesus smiling down on us in pretty skies!! 

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