Let me fill you in on our whirlwind of trip overloads.
When you heard from us last - we were Arkansas bound. We loaded up the car and headed to Little Rock on Friday July 11th to partake in our very first World Taekwondo tournament!!
It was super exciting for us because we have never been to Little Rock, we were excited to be a part of something so awesome and tons of our ATA family friends would all be there with us!! It turned out to be way bigger and more awesome than I had even imagined. I did not realize the magnitude of this thing. I mean I know it is titled World Championship...but I didn't think it would be this huge!!! It was amazing. There were literally people there competing from all over the world!!!!
It was mind blowing to think that as a family we have embraced this sport and exceeded even our own expectations in how far we have come. Makaila, Isabella and I were all top 10 in our State for each of our age groups. That is pretty freaking awesome. The facility hosting the event was amazing.
We arrived Friday afternoon, and went to watch a few of our school black belts compete....then we had a group dinner afterwards which was nice. Danny was tired (poor guy got off work at 7 am and didn't get any sleep on our drive to AK, so he was exhausted!!). We rested up and then Isabella was set to compete at 8 am!!
The opening ceremonies were fantastic! I was in awe. Isabella rocked her form and placed 4th in the world!!! How awesome is that! To say I was overwhelmed with pride for my girls this weekend is a massive understatement!!! She did sparring and won her first match...her technique and form in her match were phenomenal!!! Sadly, her second match she was paired with a girl that was (no joke) twice her size...turned out the girl was 9!!!!!!!!!!!!! She lost that match and we were pretty disappointed (Not in her, but in the judges tact in pairing up a pair that was so unfair). I will tell you that of the 16 girls in that ring, parents of 6 different kids came over to Danny and I to tell us how impressed they were with Isabella. Parents made comments like "That girl has grit", " Your daughter has some real skill", "that pairing was outrageous, and had it been based on technique and skill your little one would have won it, and deserved too". It was so comforting to know that people see in her what we see in her. She is really really good! She may not have placed in this world tournament....but she rocked it and we were and still are so soo proud of her!!!
Makaila was scheduled to go at 3pm, so we left and had lunch in downtown Little Rock at Gus's Fried Chicken....not bad!
We headed back and let me tell you...I did cry!! I tried hard to contain my excitement and my tears of joy...but it was really hard! Makaila kicked butt!!! She did a phenomenal form and several of the people from our school were there at her ring cheering her on, and it just built such an excitement and adrenaline...it was great!!! After all the forms, we were stoked because based on the scores I took down....she placed 3rd in the word!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that?!?!? 3rd place in the WORLD!!! Not only does that give her Triple Points this Tournament season...but that puts her in first place for our state for the start of this new tournament season!!!!
That wasn't even the best part. She geared up for her sparring match and went round after round, beating state champs, and district champs from all over and took 2nd place for Girls Sparring!!! Did I mention that this is for the entire WORLD!!!! My baby took 2nd place in Worlds at her very first World Tournament!! We were all ecstatic!!! The excitement and screaming and cheering and yelling and (secret tears) was incredible. There are seriously no words to explain the adrenaline rush we all felt and the joy and the pride!! I'm tearing up just typing it up now..and its been a few weeks!
Saturday was very emotional and eventful and stressful. We hung out and watched a few more people compete then went out to dinner with the Rodgers and the Hamburgs families. It was a nice little steak place that was excellent and low key...just want we needed.
Sunday morning, I woke up early to check in for our flights to Vegas and print boarding passes...then I went back to sleep!
I was scheduled to compete in the Women's rings at noon. We had some breakfast and then went to the Convention Center to stretch and meet up with the folks from our school. By 2 pm...I was done. The women usually don't take as long. I started off a little perturbed by a lady from China that asked me if it was my first year, and then said..."Oh good...it will be good practice for you!!" Basically - Don't get your hopes up little girl...you won't take anything!! This is her 5th year competing adn apparently she wind every year. Great sportsmanship lady! LOL
Well she was right..it was good practice. I did not place in Forms (Danny was a little mad - in his opinion I was cheated..and while I agree, I thought it was super cute to see him get so worked up to support me).
Sparring however was a different story. I competed in three matches, kicked the lady from China in the butt LITERALY....they had to stop the match for a few minutes to let her recoup, and then again because she slipped and fell during our match trying to land a side kick failing miserably and landing on her back!
I ended up taking 3rd place for Women 30-39 at the World Tournament for 2014!! I was and still am impressed with all our standings! I think we did great, and I am so happy that we made the trip!!!
We wrapped up like I said at about 2. I got the chance to watch my fellow team mate compete in the Womens 40- 49 division and cheer her on as she took 1st place in the WORLD for her division. I was super super happy for Leslie!!
We loaded up and Danny treated me to Rally's burgers for lunch ( I am a huge fan of Checkers Burger joints - so it's a must when I am around one!). We ate and headed home!! Danny drove the 6.5 hours to get us home and we were super tired. We made sure to finish our final packing and all the good stuff...checked the mail. I am so glad I did too...My friend Misty had mailed me the best Birthday card ever. Check it out:
It's that the cutest thing ever. She custom made me a birthday card from shared birthday pasts!! I love love love my girlfriends!! We may not get together all the time, or even talk often, but I can always count on them to make me feel loved!! THANK YOU MY DEAR DEAR FRIEND!! You made me smile so big that night!!
We finally got to sleep at about 1am, and the alarm went off at 3:30!! I got up and did my hair...loaded the car and the kids and headed to the airport!! As a family we were headed to VEGAS!!!!!!
Now let me just tell you that I was not excited about this trip for about 3 weeks, and even loading the car I was thinking..this is so not gunna be fun! (I know----what a sour puss; but really who takes kids to Vegas...its sin city for crying out loud!!!) Well.....I was wrong. We spent the next 4 days in Vegas and had a blast.
We stayed at the Paris Hotel (which Makaila loved - since she is obsessed with Paris). We did so much stuff and had so much fun. We walked and walked and walked...shopped and shopped and shopped!! We toured all the hotels, rode the gondolas in the Venetian, the kids rode the roller coaster in NY NY, we went to the Wax Museum, we saw the Blue Mann Group show, we went to Freemont Street, we rode to the top of the eiffel tower, we saw the water show at the Bellagio, the Statue show at the Ceasars Palace, the Volcano show a the Mirage....we did so much fun stuff. Took them to the M&M Store, the Hershey's Store, the Coca Cola Store...the Candy Shoppe's, the Sugar Factory...you name it...we all did it!!!
Vegas was a fun fun time...here are the pictures to prove it!!!
Our trip was fantastic...and I was totally wrong...the kids had a blast and we had a blast with them!!!
Our flight home was delayed and there were storms in the area, so we landed at about 10:45 on Friday morning. We collected our luggage, loaded the parking bus and headed home!! We were all tired...but that's not it. I got home, did a couple loads of laundry and packed my bags for trip three!!
Friday morning I woke up at about 8 and headed out of town on a girls weekend with my neighbors Amy and Nina. This trip was off to a great start. We stopped at Empire Cafe and had a nice brunch and then drove to San Antonio. We got to our hotel, checked in, unpacked, and then walked over to the River Center for a little shopping. The girls bought a few things (surprisingly - I found nothing - I think I was still shopped out from our Vegas trip). We headed back to the hotel and enjoyed Happy Hour, then went out to dinner at Mi Tierra. I love that place. We had a great time and shared plenty of laughs. We left there and went to a movie. We watched Think Like A Man 2. While the movie was great, we sat by two ladies who were talking the whole time, and it was freakin annoying!! We headed back to our hotel and called it a night.
Saturday didn't go so great. Nina thought it would be fun to wake us up before 8 am, and I was not feeling it. Needless to say I was grumpy (aka bitchy) the rest of the morning! We had breakfast and then headed over to the pool for a few hours. We sat out there for about 3 hours and then Nina and I headed across the street for pedi's. It was fun...we had a few glasses of wine and some good laughs. We headed back to the room to get ready for our evening adventures and I was so freaking tired!! I decided if I was gonna stay awake, I was done with the drinking. We got dolled up and headed downstairs for a quick bite...the food was overpriced and not at all tasty!
We met up with another set of neighbors at Durty Nelly's and I drank water while everyone else drank it up. I'm glad I did too...
From this point things just went downhill. I'll save you the gory details but it was not fun and I ended up calling it a night and walking back to our hotel room by myself at about 10:30pm. I learned a lot from this trip though:
Lesson 1 - My idea of a fun girls weekend is not AT ALL drinking until we act like outraged teenagers or idiots
Lesson 2 - I am not a big drinker nor do I need to drink to have a good time.
Lesson 3 - Walking alone in a city like San Antonio at night is not something I want to do again ever...nor is it something I think real friends would have let happen
Lesson 4 - This is one girls trip I will never take again
Don't get me wrong...I love my neighbors to pieces (they are like chosen family - they can really piss you off from time to time..but you love them regardless and would do just about anything for them!!). I will hang out with them again in the future I am sure.....I just won't drink with them in another city or go on another girls trip without my own vehicle.
I don't blame them at all for the trip going to shit...I contributed my fair share of bitchiness...and let's face it...the person who doesn't drink with everyone else...is always the boring prude.....that was me. I just don't see the fun in spending way too much money on alcohol, it's not fun to me and in all honesty it brought out the mean and ugly in folks...and I am already mean and ugly enough without the liquor....I don't need any help!!
Sunday morning was awkward to say the least. We didn't talk much at all and the ride home was more of the same. Amy and Nina were both hung over and I was just plain over it all together...we all just wanted to get home. Sadly, traffic sucked and it took us almost 5 freakin hours!! We pulled into Amy's driveway and all took our luggage and went home.
Danny and Isabella were home (Makaila was at her Aunt Ceci's). I spent the remainder of the day cleaning house, doing laundry, organizing, and sorting clothes, unpacking all the luggages, and that good kinda stuff.
Danny was a sweetheart and consoled me after my miserable arrival.....he has his sweet moments. He gave his two cents on the weekend..and I agreed.....(that's a rarity)
Anyway.....tomorrow is Monday and back to work it is!! Sadly..I am scheduled to leave on Tuesday morning for a trip to Chicago for the rest of the week....I am tired and I just want to be home!!!!!!
I've missed you...and I hope you have a great week!!
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