It was filled with a whole butt load of nothing!! I came home Friday afternoon and Danny had already made dinner! We ate posole, Ernie came over to work on Danny's car which was acting up. I cleaned up the kitchen and livingroom while Makaila tackled her bedroom and the restroom. We cleaned for awhile - then just kinda quit to watch tv instead. SJ came over to play with Issy and they made good use of the drums for awhile! LOL
I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening making hairbows - which I haven't done in way too long! It is so relaxing to me to sit there and just make something so pretty while thinking about absolutely nothing! I made so many I ran out of ribbon - which warranted a trip to Hobby Lobby! We bought a few more rolls of ribbon, and then made a pit stop at Burlington (I was on the hunt for a particular kind of leggings - and as luck would have it - I FOUND THEM....I'll fill you in on the leggings in a later post!!) I actually found a lot of stuff and so did Makaila! We definitely overspent here...but we got some great stuff!!
There was a special tent service at our church and the pastor came out to our church building site to give us the message this morning!! It was nice. The girls and I served and did the greeting, and offering collection - and then after the services the girls helped hand out bumper stickers and wish people a good week. I love love love seeing them be a part of something so good and positive!
After service we took a tour of the progress on our new church building! Everything is going great!!! It seems very hopeful that we will be having our Christmas Eve service in our new church home!!! I am so excited to be a part of this and to see our church grow and reach so many people. I love it.
Our church service was about being the message. Pastor Kerry talked about how excited he was for us to have this new building going up and having more control over the thermostat (We are currently in the high school and Sunday mornings are freezing in the auditorium). But the message was to realize that the church is not a building - but a group of people who live out God's word. It doesn't matter what religion you claim, or where you talk to God - we as a church family need to be active in giving, in sharing his word, in being his hands and feet!!
Live your life as a reflection of the Lords word...treat people with kindness...give of what you have been blessed with....encourage others...make someone laugh....we have no idea what people deal with behind their closed doors, or what insecurities they hold, or what fears overwhelm them.....Love without barriers!!
Smile at a stranger, laugh with a friend, hold hands with your partner, lay a blanket and have a picnic with your kids, pay for someones meal in a drive through.....make a difference!!!!!
After two services at church the girls and I headed home. Uncle Fidel and Uncle Ernie were there and back at it on the bug! They did a few more things and I finished up my bows!
At about 3 we headed to Grandma & Grandpa Limons to celebrate Tio Ernie's birthday!! We hung out with family and had some good laughs and way too much to eat!!
We came home after that and showers, prayers and bedtime for everyone!!!
It was nothing exciting, nothing planned and it was just a great weekend!! Sometimes those are the best ones!!
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