Spring Cleaning begins...

May 1, 2017

With Easter behind us our home is overloaded with Candy.  I mean overloaded.....all the jars are filled, the fruit basket is overflowing with Candy and I have some stored away in bags....

Our home is a diabetics nightmare!

Monday afternoon, I came home from work determined to un-clutter.  I had the girls pick up all the Easter aftermath, and then got to cleaning up Makaila's closet.  A few weeks back when Danny was out of town, I cleaned out Isabella's drawers, so Makaila was next...and her time was up!  I got in there with vengeance, and a few hours and 5 trash bags full later we were done!  She had so much clothes and shoes that she never wears just cluttering up her room!  It was so good to clean all that out and just make some room!

We dropped Danny's car off for some work, and hit dance and Zumba too...it was a busy night!

Th week flew by with the same daily routine of work, school ,dance, gym, laundry, cooking, cleaning and living.  On Friday Isabella had Super Kids Day at school, and she said it was awesome...she came home sporting this unicorn!

 On Saturday, we spent the morning catching up with Tia Teresea.  We had breakfast together, then did some shopping.  We hadn't seen her in awhile, so it was nice to catch up!

That afternoon we went to Ryan's birthday party and Izzy had fun! 

 We hung out at home and called it a night early....it was a low key weekend, with not a lot planned...those are rare in our household...so we took advantage and just relaxed!!

Sunday morning we went to church and the message was fantastic.  They started a new serious on Fighting Fair.  If your married....go to the WC.org site and look up this series...it was fantastic!  On Sunday it was a rare occasion..we were all up early and rode to church together in one car....LOL

Sometime you have to just rejoice over the little things!  We had BW3 for lunch after and watched the Astros game.  I worked on laundry and later that afternoon, we headed out to visit Juan.  We hung out for awhile, then went to eat ice cream at Dairy Queen.  We came back to Juan's and Danny hung out for awhile.  Makaila drove us around for awhile to get some drive time under her belt...and we ended up at the water front...

 We stayed there until late evening, then headed home to start our week!  We stopped at HEB for a few groceries, then called it a night!!

During the next week people were still in an uproar over the new Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino.....but Danny showed me his love (in my love language)...he brought me home a Unicorn Concha!! If that doesn't say love...I don't know what does!!!
 A midweek shot of my baby girls...

 On Saturday I woke the girls up early and we went to the Community garage Sales!  This is one of my all time memories of my youth.  My momma used to take us garage selling on Saturday mornings....we would leave the house by 6 am, drive to a good part of town and shop till about noon, pick up something from a fast food 99 cent menu and come home to wash and clean our new treasures!!

Ours started with Starbucks, and continues for a few hours of shenanigans....

 When we were done shopping other peoples junk and happy with our haul, I picked up Jenelly and dropped them off at Lonestar for some volunteer hours.  

I came home and took Izzy to Hayden's birthday party.  It was great to go, she loves Hayden so much and feels like his little protector.  I love that!!  They played video games and did the summo wrestling game...but his little brother Carson hit heads with another kid, and cut his chin open...so that was no bueno...we wrapped up the party quick and headed home.  

After Hayden's Party we came home and all got ready....we were all headed in different directions...once we were done up..the girls and I took some selfies before departing...

That evening Makaila went to her NHS Banquet at Max Bowl..and sent me this pic of her and Jenelly having fun....
 We dropped of Izzy with Tia Ceci and Danny and I met his group of friends at a little restaurant to just hang out for awhile...it was nice seeing them and catching up!!  I love that he has known this group of people for over 30 years......they grew up going to elementary school together and here they are mid life...still keeping in touch and laughing and being friends/brothers.....I love it!! I'm grateful for each of these guys and their wives....because they love my husband like a brother and while he has those in abundance...I think he forgets sometimes how special he is...so seeing him with them laughing and cracking jokes and just carefree...It makes my heart happy!! 

We picked Izzy up afterwards, and then headed home for some sleep!  I swear I feel like im in my 80's sometimes!! 

I got up early, started some laundry, showered and got ready for another busy day.  We went to church, and afterwards, Danny took off to his parents while I took Izzy to her best friend Aubrey's birthday party...she had a blast.  It was at Max Bowl and the whole way home...she talked about how she wants a Max Bowl party....LOL 

 We left Aubrey's party and headed to my-in laws to celebrate my Father In Laws birthday party!  We played Loteria, talked smack, laughed hard and ate ...A LOT!! 

 It was a busy weekend, but we got to celebrate some really special people.  We are blessed to have them each in our lives and I am grateful for each of the memories we made!!  Here's to the joys that will come in May....

Easter 2017

Mark 16:5-7

As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, they were alarmed.  "Don't be alarmed" he said.  "You are looking for Jesus of Nazarene who was crucified.  He is risen! He is not here.  See the place where they laid him.  But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee.  There you will see him, just as he told you'.

Praise God for when his son Jesus gave his life on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins it was the saddest day in history.  But we are grateful that only three short days later came the greatest day in our history, with the resurrection of Jesus Christ who with his  Resurrection gave us a new hope, life and promise!

I think Easter is one of my most favorite days of the year.  Mainly because I see the church filled with people, everyone in their beautiful new Easter clothes, and families together celebrating, children joyful in all their innocence.  Most days our news feeds are filled with tragedy and heartache, but on this day my mind and eyes are filled with the Lords glory.  With peace, joy, love, family and fun!  I am so happy to celebrate Easter with my babies and to be in good health and filled with the Lords blessings in every area of our lives....God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!

As soon as the girls woke up...they opened their Easter baskets...

Makaila even had her own special surprise gift for her little sister.  She spent her own money to get her this fun frisbie and made her a basket of things.....they really love each other...despite the bickering!

We headed out to church looking pretty....and had to send people to the overflow tent before service even started....Love to see the church doors filled like that!!  Makes my heart happy! We took some cute pictures when we got home, then proceeded to load up everything into the car...we were jammed pack...we had food, burners, baskets, candy, aguas frescas, more candy, cupcakes, rice krispies, watermelon, there was barely room for any of us! LOL

 We got to Ernie and Sarah's and the festivities began...Danny got to cooking...

 The kids took hundreds of selfies and pictures...

 Teresea sent Easter baskets for both of the girls, and Ceci had goody bags made up for them too....so they went inside to open their goodies while daddy made some discada!

 Ava opened her Easter goodies from Tia Ceci too...

 We went outside to hang out and take more pictures of course!! 

Makaila came inside to open her basket too...

 Me and Ray became bunnies!!

 Then Tio Ernie heated up the pool and the pool side shenanigan's began!

 Once we had all eaten, and rested our bellies, we went out to do the Easter Egg hunt in the backyard...We of course had to take pictures of Addison's First Easter with us.....so cute!!

 Your Mark, Get Set, Go...

 It takes us longer to hide them/  put them all out then it does for them to gather them all....
 Addison got in on some pool action too..
 We spent the rest of our day eating, talking crap, laughing and eating again! 

Then it got to be clean up time.....

It was a fantastic day.  We ate to our hearts content, no troubles, beautiful weather and the glory of our Lord and Savior!  It was a good Easter, and I am so grateful for every person.  Thankful that they love my kids, that they spend their time with us, that we are all in good health and that Jesus is in each of our lives!! Have a great week!

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