I started my week off ordering custom cookies and color matching macaroons, and dropping things off for alterations, etc.
Each day had a 10 count of to -dos for it and I worked hard to make it all happen each day before I called it a night.
I took Wed - Tuesday off to finalize a few things and keep from stressing out.
Misty helped me by baking all the cakes for cake balls during the week, and Ceci took time off work to help me too! I cleaned house on Wednesday and changed bedding and scrubbed toilets and all that fun stuff. Issy however spent her days this week enjoying Adventure Camp! She had a blast and a few fun play dates with her friend Aubrey!
Thursday morning I was up by 5 am and headed over to Cecis to make all our goodies...we worked like a labor line making cake balls, and dipping waffers, and packaging pretzels, and all sorts of stuff!
At noon I took the kids to the hall to do a practice run through of their dances and then we had lunch at Sonic...then back to the assembly line at Ceci's.
Everything looked fantastic!! We worked for almost 15 hours straight...(ok - we took a break and went to Marshall's for a minute too - but it was a well earned break - and I got some super cute retro pj's!)I did not leave Ceci's until after 10 pm, and I am so beyond words grateful for the Limon family and how they have come together to help us in every way. Ceci, Rose, and the kids worked hard and without fail until all our goodies were made, bagged and organized...it was fantastic!

At about 9 pm, my parents and sister came over with cupcakes and popcorn, so we bagged popcorn and talked for awhile and then everyone went home to rest! Danny spent his day cleaning coolers, gathering tables, getting things ready for the after party...everyone was busy!
Saturday morning I slept until 8 (Thank Jesus), and the day began. By 9 am, the hair lady and the make-up person were there and we spent the next several hours taking turns. The lady we hired for hair turned out to be terrible and so I did my mom and sisters hair.....redid my hair, and Makaila's, and then had to touch up Karena's after the church...but our make-up was awesome.
In between the getting ready the guys loaded everything up in a van and delivered all our party stuff to the hall. Danny took care of the band set up and then the photographer showed up at about 2. The took all their pics and set ups and by 2:45 we were in route to the church! It was raining outside too and we were still on schedule!! Wohoo...that's a definite rarity for us - but I had things planned to a T and praise God I had an army of people helping to ensure things went good. Sergio even brought over breakfast and Ernie came to help move things to the hall...family was really pitching in and I am so grateful for that!!
I don't have any pics of the church portion yet but I can tell you it was beautiful. It was more than I expected and the words spoken were perfection. We pulled into the church (literally almost up to the door to keep from getting wet. We had a great turn out of people. There were so many people there that I had to mentally talk myself out of crying. To me the church is the most important part and I prayed that she would have a good turn out and she did...there were about 100 people there to celebrate my baby girl and her day!!
She was up on the stage the whole time, and the pastor talked about her and Gods plans for her and what each of the gifts presented to her meant, we had worship time...it was just perfect. I loved how it turned out and I loved that so many people came and that things were going amazingly.
No one showed up to set up the hall...but I didn't panic...instead we headed home to change and then straight t the hall to set up. BY the time we arrived my families had done most of the work..there were only a few more things to set up and the place looked amazing!!!
The dinner started at 6 pm, (it was delicious) and the rest of the night was filled with just pure perfection. Tons of people came to celebrate, we danced like crazy, there were some tears shed during the father daughter dance, the surprise gift was awesome...I can't even remember the details. There were a few things that went wrong or a few select people who chose to act immature and ignorant...but I ignored them and we all had the time of our lives. The saying is so true that those who help the least are the very first to criticize...but just remember that how people treat you determines their karma and how you react determines yours!! I wisely chose to ignore others immaturity and ridiculousness and had the time of my life!
I don't have too many pictures but here is what I took off Facebook and from friends and families....
Everything about this evening was amazing. Once the party ended a few people headed back to our house for some menudo.....We had a great time and the food was delicious...we kept the party going until 6am!! LOL I know..it was ridiculous, and silly and crazy but it was such an awesome day filled with so much love and joy that we just didn't want it to end.
We slept in on Sunday and finally got going at about noon. Makaila opened her gifts and counted out all her money- WOWZERS!
We headed over to Tio Ernie's to gather with some out of town family that was still in town and celebrate Fathers Day!
We took Karen and Gustavo over to Sprinkles Cupcake because she wanted to taste them...she is a fan of cupcake wars! We headed over to my in-laws for awhile and then Karen and Gustavo came over to stay at our house because we had plans for gambling in the morning!
Monday morning we headed out to check out the new Golden Nugget in Louisiana with Tavo and his entire family. They gambled while we checked out the hotel and had gelato, and then we took off shopping to the local Ross and Marshall's in the area. We all met back up for lunch at Saltgrass before heading back home for some much needed rest!!
I need some sleep and I plan on getting some this week! But before another day goes by - let me give one last thank you to all the people that in any and every way helped to put Makaila's 15 together. Every person that sponsored monetary items, physical items, their time, their patience, their energy...any and everything...it truly takes a village and this day would not have been half the success it was without each of you being a part of it and helping the way you did - so from the bottom of our hearts thank you and we love you!!!
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