Wow - long weekends are the best!
Friday was my 9/80 and Monday was a Holiday - so I was loving this weekend!!
My parents came into town Thursday afternoon - so I rushed home afterwork and finally took down our Christmas tree and indoor decor! LOL
I cleaned the kitchen and restroom and washed my bed sheets and then waited for my parents. They came over in the evening and my sister Sam came over too. We ate posole, which Danny had made for dinner and they ranted and raved about how delicious it was! (My mom loves to sing Danny's praises - I think it just gives him a big head - but WHATEVER).
We took off to Academy to look at some gun lasers my dad was wanting to check out. We walked around the whole store and I bought shin guards for Makaila and I to wear to karate (the bruises are getting to be a bit much), and Issy begged her way into getting a fishing pole.
We went home cause it was WAY past the girls bedtime. Once they were in bed I stayed up talking to my parents watching tv, and laughing hysterically at random stuff. We all slept soundly and in the morning we all got ready. Danny came home and chatted with my parents for awhile and then took the girls to school.
We started our day of errands! First stop - Lowe's. Dad bought all kinds of plumbing stuff and mom and me just looked around seeking out anything on clearance and or pretty! LOL
We left there and headed over to Burlington. Mom wanted some of those Genie bras that I bought last week and so we were there before they opened. I took the liberty of registering my dad and I for a concealed handgun license for next weekend while we waited!
Once we left Burlington we headed into Downtown because mom had an eye appointment! Dad was pretty pissed. He thought I was gunna drop him off so he could go gallivanting around town and instead, I made him go with us and get his vision checked too! LOL
Pissed doesn't even begin to describe his mood! LOL He got his vision checked and then while mom was next! Aren't they just the cutest things ever!!
What do you think about Dad's new glasses:
LOL!!!! Is that not freakin hilarious! We had a great time trying on all sorts of silly glasses!
These are what he actually ended up with...they guy was blind as a bat!!
We had lunch at Torchy's Taco's in the Rice Village, then headed home for our next appointment. A guy named Roberto Hernandez was coming to the house to talk to my parents about supplemental insurance (dad however took the opportunity to bail!). They guy was extremely informative and helpful. Apparently, there is all sorts of things available to you through Medicare - that no one knows about since Medicare is not obligated to offer it or share the information! We got some applications in the works and (fingers crossed and God willing), mom will have much better coverage in about two weeks.
Mom and the girls and I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and filling prescriptions and stuff. Mom got some eye drops, we picked up Chinese food for Danny, hit up TJ Maxx, then Target and then went home to relax.
Saturday morning - we all ate a little more posole and then my parents headed home with Makaila in tow!
Isabella and I hung out and then Erica and Emily came by for a few to give us their take on their interview. My sisters called and scheduled appointments for their kids to that place that is always advertised on the radio for the "If you want to be a Disney star, or be on tv call...." I figured I would check it out as well so I made an appointment for Issy and we were scheduled to be there at 2pm.
She picked a cute outfit and then we were on our way. The line when we got there was kinda discouraging! There were at least 200+ kids in that place!
We got in line a few people behind my sister Nancy and her kids and then within minutes Melissa and Ireland showed up! Of all the places to run into friends who line on the opposite end of Houston! LOL Small world. We all sat through the session, learned all kinds of stuff and then Issy auditioned. She gave them her line (I'll try to upload a video later..ADORABLE). They said if there were interested that would call you by that off to wait! On our way out - we ran into Jennifer Veal who plays Nanny Agitha on Jessie (she is repd by the Casting Hub who was holding the interviews! we snapped a few pics and then headed home! I had the kick-off party to go to at 5...and it was already 4:15 - RUNNING LATE - Story of my life!!

I rushed home, got ready for the meeting and by 5:15 we were on the way! We dropped Issy off with Teresea and then headed to the kick-off party! I was late and getting texts and callas about my name being announced for an award! LOL I was still in the parking lot looking for a space! LOL
The evening was fun - music was great - and we had a good time!!Sammy danced with Richard and I actually ran into Beto Garza who I hadn't seen probably since High school!
While we were at the kick-off party I got the call from Casting Hub that Isabella was selected to return tomorrow for another interview! I was excited!! I called Teresea to let her know and Issy was ecstatic! After the party shut down - we headed over to Teresea's to pick up Issy! She was awake and pretty stoked! We drove home. Actually we had to stop half way home because an accident happened right in front of us (we didn't see it but there was still smoke and stuff), so we stopped to make sure everyone was ok. We waited until the paramedics showed up (it was a drunk driver who hit another driver and she was pretty shook up!). There were actually three accidents on our way home! We got home and went straight to bed!
When I woke up on Sunday morning Danny was already in the shower and it wasn't even 9 yet!! We all got ready and then headed to church! It was lovely.
Church notes:
Part 2 of series: Balance - Based on the 23rd Psalm
How to win the battle of Balance over Worry!
1. Know the good shepards heart
A shepard:
- provides
- protects
- guides
- corrects
Christ promises all of this if we allow him to be the good shepard in our lives. Worry is a control issue - surrender control to God and let go of the worries!!
2. Listen to the good shepards voice
Tune out all the other voices (other people opinions). The voice you believe will determine the future you experience. Get still, Get quiet, and listen to the voice of truth
3. Follow the good Shepard's path
Your fulfilment is determined by what you follow after! Whose approval are you seeking?
Stop following things that aren't important, and don't let someone else determine or steal your joy!
You are never outnumbered by your obstacles when you approach them with faith!
Dwight Howard did some spoof videos with our satellite pastors that were pretty freakin funny!! It was a great service. After church Danny and I took Isabella to her second interview!
We had a 12:30 appointment and by 3 pm we were pretty pissed off! We kept getting the run around and your next and your next and then we would just sit there. People were coming and going and we were still sitting there. At about 3:30 a lady came over to us and asked us to walk over to another area with her. She was one of the parents and wanted to enlighten us with all these reviews and ratings she found on the Internet! It was pretty bad!
You ever have those moments of clarity where you know things are happening for a reason and God is clearly speaking to you! I had one right then and there. Don't get me wrong - I was excited and happy for Issy and I wanted to support my babies dreams - but God was clearly telling me to get out! So we left!
I felt horrible for Issy - she was so ready to be on a Disney show like tomorrow!! She didn't cry though - she took it like a champ and settled for ice cream instead!
We headed over to Grandma Limons instead and she played with Emma and Jade while I ate as if I had never eaten before. We all sat around the table talking and I never stopped eating! I swear I ate two conchas, and two loaded plates of fajitas, rice, beans, guacamole, chips...I swear I thought I was gunna explode! LOL It was nice being there and laughing and talking...we even looked through old photos of all the Limons and I brought home one of Danny's elementary report cards!
Isabella stayed with Rose cause they were hosting a girls slumber party for Issy and Emma! LOL
Danny and I headed home and went to bed - but not before making out in the kitchen! LOL TMI - I know but this never happens for me so I had to document it so I remember 20 years from now the one time Danny made out with me in the kitchen! LOL
Monday morning I drove over to Teague to pick up Makaila! We walked around the farm taking silly pictures...did a little fishing (at which apparently both Makaila and I suck! LOL), and then when we were tired of walking we went inside and played Loteria! LOL
Your truly won the carta llena (full card game - pays double)! LOL After that Makaila and I headed home! We sat in traffic in the Woodlands for an entire hour! I was pretty frustrated by the time we made it home! Luckily we passed the time watching videos Makaila took of my dad singing silly songs! LOL
Good thing we had made the mandatory Bucee's stop and had some snacks!
Rose came by to drop off Issy and then we headed to the groceries. i got some stuff for dinner and drink for the house...we watched tv, ate and then did baths and bed time!! Back to school and work the next day!
It was a great weekend! Filled with Family, friends, fun and tons of great memories! I'm very grateful for days like these!!
I'll leave you with well wishes for your week and a glimpse into the love of a girl and her crazy grandpa!
We love you more than Chocolate cake!!!!
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