We had a very full weekend. On my way home I picked up Ivan and Emily to spend the night! They were pretty excited, and so were the girls.
Samantha gave me a Sally's Beauty card, so I stopped to take advantage of their B1G1 on ORLY nail polishes. Then we went straight home to get ready for Scrapbooking Friday! Margaret, Cynthia and I finished up our cute July layout and spent a good amount of time looking through the new Fall catalogs!! There are so many things I want in the new book.....but that's always the case!
Saturday morning, I woke up early and made a big breakfast for the kids, and then we headed out to the movies. We stopped at Kroger and picked up candies for everyone. On the way there our "movie hook-up" had an accident, and so we headed back home. That didn't sound to any of us like fun, so we headed over to Hollywood Movies in Pasadena, for a matinee movie that is cheaper than most. For $20 we all got in to see Despicable Me 2. Very cute movie. We had a good time.
After our movie, we headed over to Teresea and Nics apartment to hang out. We had hot dogs for lunch, watched a little tv, and then took the kids swimming for awhile while Teresea and I looked over the new Close To My Heart catalog. After about an hour it started to thunder, so we headed back to the apartment.
Issy decided she was staying with her Aunt Teresea, so Makaila, Ivan, Emily and I headed home. Mario wanted to pick up the kids, so we stopped by the house to get their stuff and met him by the beltway to send them off. It was still kinda early, so Makaila and I opted for Mani/Pedi's. Then to top off our evening, we had half price shakes at Sonic.
We spent the rest of the night watching stuff on demand, until we were both too tired to keep our eyes open.
Sunday morning, we woke up kinda early - courtesy of Grandpa Matt giving us a wake-up call at about 8am. Worked out great because Makaila and I got ready for church and went to hear a great message. it was the closing of the Dr. Lowery series at our regular church and it was great. I love him as a speaker. Some of his quotes just hit home.
For example....
" Laughter is a form of faith - its a process of letting go of things you can't control"
" You'll never have it together - so stop waiting for that moment - instead tell your stories, and that will give you clarity along the way"
"Your mess becomes your ministry"
" Stop going to church and holding huddles - get active and run a play"
"To forget about your past - do something awesome in the present."
After church, Makaila and I did some back to school clothes shopping.
We bought a few things and then Issy called and wanted us to meet them at the zoo, so off to the zoo we went. It was blaring hot - but luckily for me, Teresea takes Issy to the zoo alot, and they have a firm path that gets Issy to all the animals she wants to see and back out of the zoo in about an hour. We got to see the limited Lego animals, the monkeys, the cats, the elephants, giraffes, etc. I got some great zoo pics of the girls and sweat like nobody's business.
We left the zoo and stopped by Grandma & Grandpa Limons. Aunt Rose called to say she was making stir fry - so who can pass that up? We ate some stir fry and Issy played in Tia Sylvia's back yard for awhile with Jade and Emma. We only stayed a little while because I still had laundry to get done and I would be starting a new work schedule Monday morning; so I planned on getting to bed a little earlier. (Planning and doing are TOTALLY different)

On our way home - Issy pointed out God in the sky - and he was looking extra pretty tonight. Years ago - Issy asked me about God and where he is and why we can't see him; so I told her that he lives in the sky and that we can always see him in the Sun that brightens our day each morning, the moon that keeps us out of darkness at night, the rain that falls down on us to keep the plants green, and so forth. When she sees interesting clouds, or a nice blend of colors in the sky - we say that it is God smiling down on us. He seemed really happy last night! He must of known what was on our minds! LOL
It was magically 8:20 when we were almost home; so we decided to once again partake in half price Sonic shakes. The logic behind this decision was as a follows:
1. We all had dinner already
2. Half-price shakes are only going on for the summer and its coming to an end so we need to take advantage of them
3. We have only tried a few of the flavors
4. Issy wasn't with us yesterday; so its not fair - and we should go again
As you can see - we will make up just about any excuse when it comes to ice cream - and they all work!!
We went home and the girls gave me a fashion show of their new school clothes. Followed by sad faces when I told them they couldn't wear any of the new stuff until school started!

When we said our prayers for bed last night - I started out like I usually do but Issy had other plans so just a few lines into it Issy took over and asked for God to place angels in our doors and windows to keep the devil out, and to make Makaila be smart and nice and do good things for her sister, and to be a big sharer. She asked God to keep blessing us and to help us be healthy and let us go outside tomorrow to play with our friends, and keep daddy safe and make Makaila do good in school and her chores and not get in trouble or yell at her family, and get in trouble because that's not nice. Makaila finally chimed in and asked " why are these prayers focused on me?!?" that of course was followed by way too much laughter and silliness for 11:40 in the evening. I started to pray again - and Issy says...if your gunna finish it mom - make sure you tell him nice stuff about us - okay?!?! That girl is something else!!! Gotta love my babies!! As I write this post today - I am so thankful for my friend Valerie and her insistence on me journaling. She was completely right. In just this first week of posting simple journals I am intensely more aware of our day to day blessings that I normally took for granted.
As as a side note - I had a couple select experiences this weekend - that are not mine to detail; but I feel obligated to make this statement (for years from now - when we come back to this page to read it). EVERY PERSON HAS WORTH AND VALUE. No child should watch their mother cry herself to sleep, or be talked out of calling the cops for help - when someone is hurt No woman should make excuses or try to justify abuse in any way - be it physical, mental, emotional, etc.
Our children learn by example, and we need to be aware of the ones we set for them. No relationship is perfect; but nothing makes it ok for a woman to be abused - and as a woman do not make excuses for anyone else doing this to you. DO NOT expose your children to that and if and when they are be strong. Know your worth! Set the right example!!! Get away from the people who hurt you and bring you down because you need to remember that you are loved by a father who under no circumstance wants you to endure that kind of heartache or pain. He loved you SO much that he gave his life to cover your sins and wash you clean - so don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise.
Teach your kids to love God, to honor their parents, to be faithful, true to their marriage, the power of respect, patience and self worth. If as a woman you don't know your worth and value - then how can you expect your kids to know that? If you don't want your kids to experience the pains and trouble you endure - then be strong enough in yourself to get out of bad situations and if you truly love the person hurting you then lead them to help, lead them to God, but do not enable them to continue this hurt. You are not the only one hurting by this!! Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not boast, or judge, hurt, or weaken. Do not confuse love for lust, or a fear of loneliness. You are better off alone and happy then with someone who hurts you and makes you feel scared, unworthy or miserable!!! Besides - you are never alone. (Don't forget that)
The stories I heard, and the decisions I saw being made - made me SO grateful for Danny. We are not perfect in any way as husband/wife or even as parents, but I am so grateful for the blessings he brings into our lives and the examples of love we set for our girls. I know from time to time I complain about stupid things - but in this moment I am so grateful for the man I have in my life! He is the best dad in the world, and I love him!!!
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