Alright - we are finally getting through 2021!!
Shifting through my phone to select and limit the number of pics has been crazy - but brace yourself....there is more! This post will cover a photo dump of November and December with a little back story on things here and there. Then we can go back to monthly or bi weekly postings in 2022!
I didn't wait until Thanksgiving weekend this year - I just decided I needed Christmas and so my trees went up at the begnining of November - theis might become a new thing...becuase I JUST LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!
Even Izzy got a fancy tree in her room this year. I was surprised she went with pink - she only wanted neutrals at first....but it looks good!

Lauren Daigle @ Toyota Center...these concerts were fantastic music wise - but a complete bust as a group. Makaila was on her phone with Mark the whole time and had a crap attitude....she has ruined or bailed the last few concerts we have gone to becuase she is mad at God...and it really sucks. It hurts my momma heart so much to see her carry so much anger and have such a determination to shove His word out....I want to shake her and yell at her - but instead I just stand back while she continues to hurt herself and those around her. I cry and pray for her daily, and I ask my friends to pray for her often too...I know his timing is perfect..but I truly hope she looks back on this time a year from now with relief that its over. That she has let go of her pain and anger, and she knows that she has a God who loves her tremendously and will never leave matter how hard she tries to push Him away. I pray for her healing. If your here - stop and say a little prayer for her too....this momma would sure appreciate it.
God is good - despite her not signing or standing or trying not to listen - they go ther withthe Child Fund - and she adopted a little boy. I pray she sticks to this and serves God in this way. I see You working on my baby Lord...THANK YOU!!!
Nutcracker Market is an annual tradition and it has now reached the point of requiring a pre-day crafting session for our shennanigans.....This year we did Santa Hats, and silly glasses....
I bought little, drank lots and laughed till it hurt!! Never fails to bring me joy!!
Danny's Graduating class had a reunion night, so we went to hang out for to see some great people!!
I took on a new craft this holiday season adn make earrings all of November and December - they are so cute...the only problem is I want to keep them all too!!
We had a Friendsgining holiday night at Vicky and Nestors this year - which was fantastic. All of us showed up, our kids came...we had fun. It was one of the last nig parties in their Eagle Springs home!!
For actual Thanksgiving we went to my parents and saw family there. It was a good time!!
We came home and then decided to take off in another direction. We went to spend the day in Natichoches, LA to check out thier Christmas was cute!! Food was good :)
In Early December I had to go to Audtin for a work event....Here is my work team...we went to an Axe throwing place ad a team was kinda cool.
When I got back from Austin - Johnny put together a birthday dinner for Danny @ La Sirena. He is such a good friend to Danny. I love him to pieces and love the heart he has for his friends/brothers!! It is such a beautiful example to our kids - what friendship and family looks and feels like. They have been raised with these people in thier lives and at events and celebrating milestones with us....they are a blessing in our lives and I just love them!!
We didn't have enough - so we took the party back to Johnnys too...
Makaila was working as the receptionist at Johnston - so I was her plus one for thier Christmas party.
Makaila booked flights to go spend Christmas in Alaska with Mark - we picked the weekend before to celebrate Christmas as a family. We opened our family gifts to each other, decorated cookies, and went on ice cream trips together...we even played a not so friendly round of monopoly!!!
Christmas week - went to service at the Main campus to check out the lights and enjoy some family time with our friends and family...Missed Makaila being there to make memories with us - but she is safe in Alaska with her Boo!!
I am laughing at these - because Misty had this fantastic plan to do house clean ups once a month together and she came over and spent an entire day cleaning our kitchen, cabinets, laundry room, hall closets...we took about 6 loads of stuff to Goodwill!! And here I am a year later....updating the blog and realizing ....she got gipped....we never made it to her house for round 2!!! LOL I wonder if she sill go for another try this year...I sure could use it!!!
The Limwards went out to PF Changs for New Years Eve Dinner.....It was WONDERFUL!!
BRING ON 2022......IM READY!!!!
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